Domo Animate -
Story Telling with Domo AnimateIf you click above you will see I used Domo Animate for my first Digital Story-Telling experience. I really enjoyed making this little Christmas story. I love that you can make a short animated story or a longer version. I am thinking that elementary students would enjoy using this digital story making website. For the younger students the teacher can make up a story and then as the students are watching the digital story, the teacher can stop the video and use inferencing tactics or even main idea. She/he as the teacher could also make up comprehension questions to go along with the story. The only problem you might have with using Domo Animate is if the school has decided to block the site and therefore you can ask for special permission to use the site.
Pic Lit -
I also tried out Pic Lits which reminded me a lot of the word clouds tagxedo and wordle. Pic Lits uses background pictures and allows you to add words they already have available or "Freestyle" which allows you to enter specific words you would like to use. You can actually use this in any level in education. This would especially be great for Science SOLs and Social Studies. You can use the vocabulary words as a word hunt or like in mine I used it as the parts of a flower and my background picture is a flower. I entered flower words such as seed, bud, flower, or petal. You can also use this on a Smartboard using English vocabulary by identifying the antonym, synonym, or homophone of specific words. Great for 2nd graders!View the one I made below:
My Pic Lit