Monday, May 27, 2013

My Introduction

**Click on Read More at the bottom of this page to view more of my blog and LIBS assignments.

Hello My name is Leigh Isley! I live in the most southern part of Virginia. We are about 30 minutes from the North Carolina border. I live in a very rural community with my husband and my little Yorkie "Chester."  I am currently a 2nd grade teacher but was recently told I would be moving down a couple of grades to Kindergarten. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it, but sometimes change is necessary. I am excited to work with the little ones and hopefully I can get a better feel on how the younger generation thinks about the library and librarian. I can't wait to finally finish my Master's Degree with ODU and hopefully get to move into my own library one day!  

Oh I forgot to add that I'm a HUGE Mickey Mouse fan :)

I liked using Tagxedo better than Wordle. I found Tagexdo more user friendly than Wordle. all you have to do is just click on Create at the top and then load on the left hand side. Clicking on load allows you to key in any words that characterize you. There are many different shapes to pick from also. I chose a cat to show my animal lover side. Tagexdo would also be great using student vocabulary words or keywords from a certain story or book.

Creative Commons Licenses:

You must read the license carefully, each them are very different.  I do not believe the importance of using correct citation is stressed enough. Reading the six different licenses has really put perspective on copyrights and crediting the correct person, author, or website. When looking up the different pictures under each license, I really didn't see a big difference in photos, other than what license the author has placed the image under.

You can use the material anywhere but make sure you cite the images correctly. Give credit was credit is due!

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.. is an example of this license.

This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you
You can use the image as you like but you cannot make money on the images or use of the image. Use the image non-commercially but credit the right person.

This the most restrictive of the 6 licenses, the user can download use and share with others only with the proper credit to the proper person. and you cannot tweak or change the images/content in anyway. You cannot use the images/contents commercially. So don't use images/contents to make your own money!

All Rights Reserved
no man's land! 

Bloom's Taxonomy = Beautiful Butterfly:

Picard, Alain. (09, March 20). "Butterfly."  Retrieved from 
   June 6.


1.  What is the name of this insect?

2.  In what habitat does this insect live?


1.  Explain how this insect uses its colors to help it survive from predators?

2.  Predict what this insect will do next?


1.  Draw the life-cycle of this insect?

2.  What other insects are similar to this one?


1.  Compare this insect to a chameleon? How are they alike, different?

2.  Why is the butterfly sitting so still on this leaf?


1.  This insect is becoming instinct, should the state sign a law that harming the habitat or life of this insect be unlawful?

2.   This insect has been able to reproduce each year, what do you know about this insect that makes it possible to keep reproducing?


1.  Draw and make the perfect habitat for this animal where it is able to strive and live perfectly.

2.  Here is a pattern of a butterfly, take the pattern color and assembly it correctly. 


 Fun with Image Editing

Elizabeth Thomsen (2013, Feb. 02). "Children's Room Mural By Yetti Frenkel." Retrieved from:
                      June 7.

Big Huge Labs -

I made this poster using Motivational Posters. I found this a great way to inspire reading and how you can use your imagination when reading. I would put this poster up in my reading center to encourage students to read and read on a topic they would enjoy. There are many ways to use Motivational Posters in the classroom. I am going to use this website in my classroom next year. I think they students are going to really enjoy using this resource. 

The Calendar would be a great resource for Math SOL in 2nd grade. They have to be able to identify days of the week, months, and elapse time. This would be a wonderful resource for each student to create their own calendar for better understanding.

The Slideshow is a great way for sequencing. You can take pictures of a certain event or book and the students would be able to use Slideshow to put the pictures in the correct sequence order. Sequencing is very important throughout elementary school. 

ImageChef  -

A teacher could use Word Mosaic (which I loved playing with) using words from a book that is being read in class that week. Having kids locate the words withing the symbols would be like a word hunt and children love word hunts. This also could be used with antonyms, synonyms, or homophones. This to me resembles Wordle and Tagexdo. Also very user friendly!

Poetry Blender is another creation you can use on ImageChef. This is a great poetry resource. Students can create poetry and add pictures. The cute backgrounds you can pick out are so fun and full of animations. Very user friendly and a fun addictive way for students to use poetry in a enjoyable entertaining way.

SketchPad can be used to describe characters of a story or for students to express their own creativity. They can make posters describing themselves or describing a character in a story. They can use it as an oral presentation by printing the sketch out or using the visual on a SmartBoard. This is a great resource for visual learners. 


FoldPlay -

The fold book would be a great resource for students to make-up their own stories and add pictures. They can retell another story or use it to summarize a frequent story they have read. They also can use it to retell important events that has happened throughout the school year for sharing or oral presentation.

The Invertible Cube for uploading photos or comic strips. This will allow a great puzzle for them to challenge themselves or another students. Puzzles like this keep a child's mind working for those problem solving skills.

The Origami NerdCatcher is also a great resource. It reminds me of the fortune tellers my students and I put together as a challenge in class this year. Playing games with other classmates help students learn about getting along and working with others is important in everyday life.

Tuxpi Photo Edition -

 This is a great website to add special effects to photos or images. Students would be able to choose photos of their choice and use their own imagination to add effects such as swirl, star mask, or shape editor just to name a few. This would work well with differentiation (like a menu) allowing students to make the choice of using this photo editor to make a special poster or photo of the SOL that they are working on at the time.

The Wanted Poster like on Big Huge Labs could be used to describe a character. Maybe the antagonist or protagonist in a book or story. They could even make up a character themselves.

The Pop Art Collage Tool could be used in Art class. Art SOLs enables them to use computers as a form or art. The student could use this resource displaying their own original art. Whether is be a oil painting, sketch, or clay sculpture. This is a great tool for this reason.

Dumpr -

This is another website resource great for using photos or images. Jigsaw puzzles could be a good puzzle resource for challenging the brains. Especially for the lower elementary grades. You can use the illustration from a story and challenge the students to put the puzzle together of their character. They can do this online or with a printed version.

The Lego-ize photo option would be fun to use for students to guess what the picture is of. It kind of makes a mystery picture. This could be used to introduce a new lesson or to sum up a lesson or story already discussed. A fun photo resource. I actually did a picture of me and my students and it was very hard to figure out who was who. 

The Postcard Stand is really cool to use when you are teaching friendly letters or putting addresses on an envelope. You could have them do this really cool picture option, print it out, and then have them mail it. You could even use the stamp option to create your own stamp.