I downloaded i-nigma onto my smart phone and had the best time running around my house looking for QR codes. They definitely have a impact on learning and the imagination. I found i-nigma easy to use and very user friendly. I found a website using google search and made my very on QR code using
www.waspbarcode.com, this QR code sends you directly to a youtube video on a book review of the Hunger Games. A student could easily be able to use there on device whether it be a smartphone or Ipad to go up to a book with a QR code on the cover and scan for a quick book review of a certain title.
I also made a QR code using QR Voice. This was extremely simple and fun. Both ways of making QR codes were simple and easy to follow directions.
Although upon reading about QR codes and Augmented Reality, it is talked about Augmented Reality will be far exceed QR codes. So if you are going to start using QR codes you better do is soon because the way it sounds they will eventually become obsolete!